2024.07.11 (W4) 2024 TMU Sprout Lecture: RNA origin of sex biased immunity

Topic: RNA origin of sex biased immunity

Speaker: Howard Y. Chang, M.D., Ph.D., Academician, Academia Sinica.
Date: 11st Jul., 2024 (Thu.) 14:00-15:00

Venue: Cheng-Pu conference Hall, 4F, Comprehensive Medical Building (Front Building)


Language: English


※ Please must register in advance

※ Registration website: http://event.tmu.edu.tw/actnews/signup.php?Sn=4985

※ Deadline: 9th Jul., 2024 (Tue.) 12:00

※ Participant: Faculties and students

※ Organizer: TMU Office of Research and Development

※ Contact Person: Tracy Kang (m513097010@tmu.edu.tw)

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